Bellville Technical High School on PodRadio

Podcasting is a wonderful way of allowing children to share their work and experiences with a potentially large audience over the Internet. Schools are increasingly using the internet to promote what they do and celebrate the achievements of their children, and have discovered that podcasting is an excellent way of doing this.  Listen to more on

PodRadio Participants 2019


Our HATTIE Pod Radio Participants for term 1, 2019. Well done Hatties - you shared your opinions and raised your voices about a variety of topics. We will continue with our podcasts again in second term. Congratulations to the hosts, Zarah Kamaldien, Gabriella Wagner, Megan Charles and Alrick Erasmus with your superb hosting skills and thank you for your dedication throughout the term.

Principal for a Day – 27th February 2019


In this week’s podcast Hatties had a lighthearted discussion on what they would do if they were the principal of BTHS for one day… They discussed all the things they would do, change, and set in place… How they would punish disobedient learners, reward achievement – and what the biggest change is that they would like to implement at BHTS.

Poetry – 10th March 2019

This week our hosts, Alrick and Megan had a discussion with some of our Hattie poets. They shared their poetry writing process, thinks that inspire them to write and also shared some of their poems with us.


Success – 15th February 2019


In this week’s podcast the learners discussed success and what it means to them. They chat about who they perceive as successful and also about their personal successes and achievements.

Technical VS Academic – 15th February 2019

Being in a Technical school – What is the difference between a technical and normal academic school. What are the benefits of being in a technical school? What are the challenges of being in a technical school? Learners with a pure technical focus/career dream as well as learners that do not want to go into a technical career were involved in the podcast. We wanted to find out from them why they chose the school – especially if not focused on a technical career – also about difficulties they struggle with etc.


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